Recording of Tiffany P. Hogan: Cracks to Gaps after COVID - Supporting Reading Development in our Most Vulnerable Students Webinar
Presenter: Tiffany P. Hogan, PhD,
This is a per person fee
This is a per person fee for those who intend to watch this recording that will be available for one month. After purchasing, you will receive an email with the subject line "your downloads are ready." This contains the important information you need to complete your final registration step.
Highlighted recently in numerous news outlets including the New York Times, the
Boston Globe, television and radio appearances, our esteemed presenter, Dr.
Tiffany Hogan, has been on the forefront, helping educational communities
understand and rectify the negative impact that the pandemic has had on
students’ reading skills. Dr. Hogan will discuss how the pandemic
has exacerbated achievement gaps in our most vulnerable students. Pulling from
past and recent research, she will then provide scientifically proven ways to
assess and improve reading skills in grades K-2 within both educational and home
settings. Dr. Hogan will also highlight the ways in which the pandemic has turned
educational cracks into actual gaps. Walk away with a clearer
understanding of the science of reading, including a deeper knowledge of how to
close and even prevent further gaps in students’ reading skills. Join us for this
important and timely webinar, and take advantage of the opportunity to get your
questions answered if attending live.
Tiffany P. Hogan, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders at MGH Institute of Health Professions in
Boston, Director of the Speech and Language (SAiL) Literacy Lab, and Research
Associate at Harvard University. Dr. Hogan has published over 100 papers on the
genetic, neurologic, and behavioral links between oral and written language
development, with a focus on improving assessment and intervention for children
with Developmental Language Disorders, Dyslexia, and/or Speech Sound
Disorders. Her advocacy for children with reading difficulties has led her to co-
found a DLD informational website: www.dldandme.org, host a podcast,
SeeHearSpeak Podcast (www.seehearspeakpodcast.com), and contribute
information for articles in numerous news outlets including the New York Times,
the Boston Globe, along with several television and radio appearances.
CREDITS: Whether you watch live or view the recording, this training offers 2 cont. ed. hours for all, and Certificate Maintenance Hours (CMHs) for Speech Language Pathologists. ASHA accepts CMHs towards the 30 hours needed for re-certification.
PURCHASE ORDERS are accepted at check out on the order summary page or they may be faxed to 781-812-2441, emailed to info@readingwithtlc.com, or mailed to Reading with TLC, 775 Pleasant Street, Suite 6, Weymouth, MA 02189.
ATTENDEES: If you are paying for and registering someone else or registering a group of people, please enter the attendee names and emails in the PO section on the order summary page.
PLEASE NOTE: The information provided in this hot topic webinar may not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of Reading with TLC.