Training of the TLC Team Trainers Webinar Series
After signing a contract, participants will complete the two recorded webinars and a live Q & A webinar with the program authors.
Please pick a date for your live Q & A session in the drop down. If you can not make one of those dates, ask to schedule a private date.
The price listed here includes the option “YES” to also receive the Lively Letters Instruction Manual 4th Edition at 50% off. If you already own this required manual, select “NO.” International customers will see prices that reflect the converted currency rate.
Get licensed to train your staff / colleagues in Lively Letters as a TLC Team Trainer, and gain the opportunity to later become a paid TLC National Trainer. If you are trained in and using Lively Letters, sign up now for this 11.5- Hour On-Demand Training of the TLC Trainers Recorded & Live Webinar Series.
- License to Train Colleagues, Saving your District Thousands in PD Fees
- Extensive Bundle of Trainer Resources Including the Official TLC PowerPoint Files, Handouts, Videos, Presenter Notes, and other Trainer Documents
- Extra Lively Letters Materials (Cards, Songs CD & Tote Bag - $132.97 Value)
- 50% Trainer Discount on TLC Print and Digital Products
- One-Year Free Reading with TLC Studio Subscription ($109.89 Value
- Prestigious Title as a TLC Team Trainer
- Opportunity to Later Become a Paid TLC National Trainer
- Networking & Support from the Authors & other Trainers
After registering you will receive an email (please check your spam and promotions folders) with a contract to be completed and returned asap. After we receive your signed contract, you’ll receive an email with links to the 3 webinar sessions. Your complete Trainers Bundle will also be mailed to you (shipping time up to 10 days). Once you receive your bundle, and before attending the 2-hour Session 3 live Q & A webinar, view the Session 1 and 2 recorded webinars at your convenience (totaling 9.5 hours).
Those who complete the recorded and live trainings will receive 11.5 cont. ed. hours Speech Language Pathologists can select to receive .65 ASHA CEUs for an additional processing fee using the pop-up that appears after adding to cart. Those who choose the ASHA CEUs will also receive a certificate of attendance for 5 hours.
In Session 1 (on-demand 3-hour recorded webinar) you’ll earn the key strategies for presenting the Lively Letters and Sight Words You Can See program training. You’ll also pick up important tips for making your Reading with TLC seminars as dynamic and effective as possible. In Session 2 (on-demand 6.5 hour recorded webinar), you’ll view the 6.5 hour recording of the Lively Letters full training, this time with the eyes of a presenter. You’ll be following along in your binder of presenter notes. In Session 3 (live 2-hour webinar) you’ll participate in an interactive Q&A session with the authors and others getting trained. If you have any questions about this training, please contact Reading with TLC at 781-331-7412 or info@readingwithtlc.com.
TLC Team Trainers are licensed to present official Lively Letters full training seminars to colleagues at their place of work or their professional organizations as long as they do not charge a presentation fee. TLC Team Trainers can also present Overview Presentations at conferences. After attending this webinar and presenting five to ten free seminars to colleagues at your school district or professional organization as a TLC Team Trainer, you may choose to apply to become a TLC National Trainer. If accepted, this elite, advanced status would qualify you to present seminars for anyone, anywhere you desire, charging fees for your presentation services. You may also be hired by Reading with TLC to present trainings within schools, conference centers, and at professional conferences.
Financial Disclosure: Nancy Telian and Penny Castagnozzi are the owners and authors of Reading with TLC and receive royalties. Non-financial Disclosure: The presenters do not have any non-financial disclosures.