Recording of Katharine Pace Miles Using Linnea Ehri's Hallmark Orthographic Mapping and PhaseTheories to Guide Literacy Instruction Webinar
Presenter: Katharine Pace Miles, Ph.D
For those interested in further developing their knowledge base and expertise in the science of reading, this webinar is not to be missed. Nationally renowned researcher, speaker, and close colleague of Dr. Linnea Ehri, Dr. Katharine Pace Miles, will review in detail the work of one of the greats in our field. Linnea Ehri's hallmark theory of orthographic mapping is widely considered the most substantiated theory of how words are stored in memory, yet, until recently, the theory was not widely known by educators. Additionally, Ehri's well known phases of word reading and spelling development (prealphabetic, early alphabetic, later alphabetic, and consolidated alphabetic) provide an excellent framework to differentiate instruction, but it has also lacked wide translation into the field of early literacy until recently.
In this exciting talk, Dr.Miles will start with an explanation of Ehri's theories of orthographic mapping and phases of word reading and spelling development. Examples of the research that supports both theories will be presented. Connections will then be made to other theories and frameworks. These include David Share's highly respected self-teaching hypothesis which proposes that once learners have established their knowledge of letter sounds and the essential process of segmenting and blending, they begin to apply this knowledge to new and novel words. Dr. Miles will then provide short hands-on activities to engage the audience with the material presented. She will strongly ground the theories into practice to ensure that they can be immediately implemented within classroom and other instructional settings.
Katharine Pace Miles, Ph.D. is an associate professor at Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY). Dr. Miles’s research interests include orthographic mapping, high frequency word learning, reading interventions, and literacy instruction that is both developmentally appropriate and grounded in the science of reading. Dr. Miles is the academic advisor for Reading Rescue, an evidence-based intervention for first and second grade students. She is the author of Reading Ready, an explicit and systematic word reading curriculum for kindergarten and first grade students. Dr. Miles is also the co-founder and principal investigator of CUNY Reading Corps, which improves preservice teacher training and provides free high-dosage tutoring to historically underserved NYC students.
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This is a per person fee for those who intend to watch this recording that will be available for one month. After purchasing, you will receive an email with the subject line "your downloads are ready." This contains the important information you need to complete your final registration step.
CREDITS: Whether you watch live or view the recording, this training offers 2 cont. ed. hours for all, and Certificate Maintenance Hours (CMHs) for Speech Language Pathologists. ASHA accepts CMHs towards the 30 hours needed for re-certification.
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