9-23-2024 FREE Overview of Lively Letters Phonics App Live & Recorded Webinar

9-23-2024 FREE Overview of Lively Letters Phonics App Live & Recorded Webinar

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FREE Overview of Lively Letters Phonics App Live & Recorded Webinar

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024  7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST

Presented by program authors Penny Castagnozzi & Nancy Telian, MS, CCC-SLP

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This webinar is an overview of the Lively Letters Phonics App, illustrating how educators and parents can use this tool to supplement the Lively Letters program. Whether or not you have already purchase the app, you can learn about the three different activities, with instructions on how to implement each one. Along with the app instructions will be some key strategies for phonemic awareness and phonics, that can now be applied while using the app. The presenters will be demonstrating using a series of short videos.

CREDITS: All who watch this webinar can receive 1.5 cont. ed hrs and CMHs (Certification Maintenance Hours) for SLPs. 

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