Recording of Dr. Lydia Soifer: Tell Me a Story: Important Oral & Written Narrative Development in Young Children Webinar
Presenter: Lydia Soifer, Ph.D.
We all tell stories. Learning to tell stories and then to write them is an important part of oral language development and then of literacy. Join us for this webinar as the specifics of oral and written narrative are described and demonstrated along with suggestions for how to facilitate narrative development in early school age children. Also, addressed is how to recognize when narratives provide evidence of weaknesses in language use. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Dr. Soifer, a globally renowned oral and written language specialist who will inform and entertain you during this special event.
Dr. Soifer is a language pathologist with nearly 50 years of experience in clinical and private practice, as well as university teaching. For its highly respected and valued 25-year tenure, Dr. Soifer was the founder and director of The Soifer Center for Learning and Child Development, which was the first multidisciplinary private diagnostic and remedial setting established in Westchester County. Dr. Soifer continues to provide educational consultation and advocacy services to families on behalf of their children, in coordination with other professionals and schools.
As a parent educator, teacher trainer, and staff developer, she specializes in the role of language in the development of children's learning, literacy, behavior, and social-emotional development. Classroom Language Dynamics ©, the teacher training program Dr. Soifer designed is used in a variety of school settings to empower teachers and invigorate learners of all kinds. A frequent presenter at local, national and international conferences, Dr. Soifer focuses on guiding all educational professionals to answer the essential question, “Who is this child?” She is also the author of a chapter entitled, The Development of Oral Language and its Relationship to Literacy for a textbook published in September 1999 by Brookes, Multisensory Structured Language Teaching: Theory and Practice, now published in a 4th edition, as well as a contributor to local publications. A respected educator, Dr. Soifer is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Eagle Hill School in Greenwich, CT and the Gateway School of New York, in New York City. Additionally, she is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and faculty member in the Early Intervention Training Institute (EITI), both at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
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This is a per person fee for those who intend to watch this recording that will be available for one month. After purchasing, you will receive an email with the subject line "your downloads are ready." This contains the important information you need to complete your final registration step.
CREDITS: Whether you watch live or view the recording, this training offers 2 cont. ed. hours for all, and Certificate Maintenance Hours (CMHs) for Speech Language Pathologists. ASHA accepts CMHs towards the 30 hours needed for re-certification.
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