5-12-2025 Beyond CVC – Training Upper  Level Word Reading and Spelling Live & Recorded Webinar 7-9 PM EST

5-12-2025 Beyond CVC – Training Upper Level Word Reading and Spelling Live & Recorded Webinar 7-9 PM EST

  • $40.00
  • Save $5

Presenter: Marianne Nice, MS, CCC-SLP 

MONDAY, MAY 12, 2025  7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST

Back by popular demand! Older students who struggle with literacy need your help! Completely aligned with the Science of Reading, this unique session should not be missed if you are working with struggling students who are beyond consonant – vowel- consonant level  words.  If you have struggling students from elementary school –age through adult, who are now beyond simple consonant-vowel-consonant type syllables, this fast-paced, information –packed session is for you!  This session is for special educators, general education teachers, speech language pathologists, reading specialists, or parents looking for key research-based strategies to add to their repertoire of literacy tools and techniques.  Proven strategies will be shared within the following upper level skill areas that are necessary for successful reading and spelling:

- Upper Level Letter Sounds
- High Level Phonemic  Awareness 
- Decoding Words with Consonant Blends
- Multisyllable Division Rules and Strategies for Longer Words
- Morphological  Awareness involving Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
- Phonetically Irregular Sight Words
- Automaticity

For training difficult letter sounds, the presenters will share unique and evidence-based strategies going beyond the typical "key word” method that is sometimes ineffective for those with phonemic awareness or working memory issues. Since research demonstrates that typically developing students are still developing phonemic awareness skills well into third and fourth grade, in particular sound manipulation skills, proven tips will be provided in this area. Older struggling readers often have an abundance of sequencing errors when reading and pronouncing words with consonant blends, and  for this reason, strategies for preventing and eliminating sequencing errors in consonant blend type words will be shared. 
Because the ability to decode longer words is often the major difference between good and poor readers, mnemonic techniques for dividing multisyllable words to determine the vowel sounds will be shown. The presenter will also delve into morphology, with basic activities for training reading,  spelling, and the meanings of longer words containing using prefixes, roots, and suffixes.  Special techniques will be demonstrated for training acquisition of phonetically irregular sight words such as “what,” and “come, ” since fluent reading is dependent upon the ability to quickly read these difficult-to-learn words. Many different types of strategies will be shared including some showing the use of Reading with TLC resources.
  • Define key components of structured literacy lessons
  • Examine the why and how of training high-level phonemic awareness
  • Describe 3, key elements of successful literacy interventions
  • Explain instructional strategies designed to improve decoding abilities with consonant blends, vowel teams, and multisyllable words.
  • Explore instructional strategies for teaching phonetically irregular high frequency words.
  • Describe techniques for integrating vocabulary development into decoding work through morphology instruction.
"Marianne never disappoints.  She always has webinars FULL of practical information.  I really love having her webinars as a resource."

Claudia B.
Dyslexia/Structured Literacy Specialist, Private tutor
San Jose, CA

Marianne Nice, MS, CCC-SLP, is a licensed speech-language pathologist, certified reading specialist and IDA certified dyslexia specialist with 25 years' experience in K-12 education.  Marianne specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia and related literacy disorders. She consults to school districts on multi-tiered systems of support models and the use of effective school-wide literacy interventions. She has been a featured speaker at several, national language and literacy conventions to include ASHA and IDA.  Marianne is also providing professional development internationally, working with an organization in Istanbul, Turkey to train teachers in the middle east in the science of reading and dyslexia.  Marianne lives southern New Hampshire with her husband, also a teacher, and her two children ages 19 and 16. 


This is a per-person fee for those who intend to watch the live webinar or the recording that will be emailed to all who register, and available for one month. After purchasing, you will receive an email with the subject line "Your downloads are ready." This contains the important information you need to complete your final registration step." International customers will see prices that reflect the converted currency rate.

CREDITS: Whether you watch live or view the recording, this training offers 2 cont. ed. hours for all, and Certificate Maintenance Hours (CMHs) for Speech Language Pathologists. ASHA accepts CMHs towards the 30 hours needed for re-certification. 

PURCHASE are accepted at check out on the order summary page or they may be faxed to 781-812-2441, emailed to info@readingwithtlc.com, or mailed to Reading with TLC, 775 Pleasant Street, Suite 6, Weymouth, MA 02189. 

ATTENDEES: If you are paying for and registering someone else or registering a group of people, please enter the attendee names and emails in the PO section on the order summary page.

CANCELLATION POLICY: For cancellations made at least 10 days prior to the training, the webinar fee will be fully refunded. Cancellations made less than 10 days prior to the training will be subject to a $25 administrative fee. 

PLEASE NOTE: The information provided in this hot topic webinar may not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of Reading with TLC.  

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