New Generation Lively Letters™ Spanish Translations: Phonics Stories for the English Sounds, Uppercase & Lowercase (Book)
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- This 74-page book provides the Spanish translations of the Lively Letters letter sound introduction stories to elicit the English language sounds. Both lowercase and uppercase letter sound stories are included. For each letter sound, there’s also a small copy of the Lively Letters picture letter, a hand / mouth cue photo, and directions on how to make that hand / mouth cue. Because the stories describe what you’re doing with your mouth when making the sounds, this resource is very beneficial to Spanish-speaking students who are learning English as a second language.
- With this important supplement to the Lively Letters program, Spanish-speaking students are successfully accessing the same clinically-proven Lively Letters instruction as their peers who are native English speakers. The Lively Letters program greatly improves reading skills in 6-8 weeks with engaging, multisensory methods and materials that are as powerful as they are fun for general ed. and struggling readers, including dyslexic and EL students.
- Published by Reading with TLC, and used by over 80,000 educators and 15 million students worldwide since 1990, Lively Letters is aligned with the Science of Reading. Educators and clinicians have had tremendous success using this program with different types of learners, including EL students because it does not require them to memorize an English key word for every letter sound.
- The Lively Letters program features colorful images, comical stories, mouth / hand cues, and music for dramatic gains in phonemic awareness, reading, spelling, and speech production skills. Because the letter pictures of engaging characters depict the correct mouth movements for the English sounds, EL students can more easily learn to articulate them. Using powerful mnemonics (memory tricks), these images are directly embedded into the letters. Letter sound introduction stories and step-by step instructions for the use of this product are found in the Lively Letters Instruction Manual and the Lively Letters Basic Set (both sold separately).
- The translations were created by a bilingual speech language pathologist who found great success with Lively Letters while working with her inner city Spanish-speaking students who had weaknesses in phonological awareness, phonics, and articulation. Angela Livingston, a veteran Lively Letters user and Reading with TLC National Trainer from the New York City Public Schools, then organically translated them into Spanish while piloting them with her students. Consulting with a bilingual expert from Columbia University and ensuring that the most appropriate dialect versions were used, these stories were formally written and then published by Reading with TLC in 2017.
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